Theoretical Chemistry and Physics at the Quantum Scale ("QuantumChemPhys") is a Transborder Joint Laboratory (LTC - Laboratoire Transfrontelier Conjoint) created by
- Université de Bordeaux (UBx)
- Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)
- Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC)
The purpose of the QuantumChemPhys lab is to strengthen the scientific collaboration among researchers from Euskadi and Aquitaine through the creation of a transnational institution focusing on the theoretical aspects of chemistry and physics at the quantum scale, i.e. the quantitative description of the motion of electrons and nuclei (and their coupling) in solids, at gas-solid interfaces, as well as in the interaction with light. Such a challenge requires the developments of theoretical methods and numerical simulations within the framework of quantum/classical/semiclassical mechanics.
The QuantumChemPhys lab will also serve as an efficient tool to further structure such area of research within the context of the Aquitaine-Euskadi EuroRegion. In particular and more specifically, QuantumChemPhys will fortify the strategic a alliance between the Basque Country Campus of Excellence program Euskampus and the Bordeaux Initiative of Excellence program IdEx Bordeaux.